My Articles


A young boy had a very nice and caring teacher. The teacher gave him a white/spotless piece of paper to use in writing his tests. The young boy took the paper with joy but while he was playing, he messed up the paper. All attempts to fix the paper to its initial state were futile so he decided to go back to his teacher. He went crying to where his teacher was and said “can I have a new sheet dare teacher, I have spoiled this one”, his teacher went to his drawer, got a new spotless sheet like the first and wiping his tears, his teacher said “have a new one my child and be careful not to spoil this one”.
This was the very thing Christ came and did for us. He is our loving teacher.
God gave us a new life in the Garden of Eden but man lost that life (eternal life) when he fell (spoiled the paper). All attempts for man to be restored were futile because the heart of man became hardened. God sent prophets to them but instead of repenting of their ways, they laughed and mocked them (e.g Noah) and wanted to kill some (e.g Elijah), others they made to sin (Moses and Aaron).
The blood of animals which was done in the old testament could not cleanse man from their sins (the boy trying to fix the paper) so God sent His son to come in the form of sinful flesh to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins “For without the shedding of blood, there is no remission from sin”.
The blood of Christ (which is perfect) was given as atonement, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of man.
When Christ died on the cross, He went to hell since that was the judgement of God over sin, got the keys from the devil (which are the keys to life) which man lost in the garden and He said “All keys in heaven and on earth has been given unto me”. If we go back to Him and like the crying child, confess that we have spoiled the one we have, He would wash away our tears and give us a new life.
The Bible says “whoever is in Christ is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new”, “….whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life”, “as many that believe to them He gave power to become the sons of God”, “For there is no other name given under heaven by which we can be saved [only Jesus can save (text in bracket added by writer)]”.
If only we can humble come as that young child with sincerity in our hearts as seen in the young child crying and confess our weakness, misbehaviours, habits, lifestyle, mistakes, shortcomings and others and tell Him how much we have messed up our paper (life), He is faithful, very loving and merciful to wipe away our tears and give us a new sheet.
But remember, the teacher said “be careful not to spoil this one”. We must guard the new sheet with fear and trembling so that we won’t mess it up again.
Also note that it is not the wish for the teacher to leave the student (child) with the spoilt sheet. The Bible says “It is not His wish that anyone should perish but that they may come to the knowledge of the truth”. The truth is in Jesus and Jesus alone not in a professor or a doctor or a philosopher.
Christ is inviting you and I to come that He may change us and give us a new life, character and eternal destination. It is our choice to accept His invitation or laugh at it or mock it or despise it or even fight it, but my greatest advice is that you accept it.
In conclusion, Jesus said “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone would hear my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and him with me”. Christ is always knocking, what is your response?
Oh! That our hearts would not reject His call;
Oh! That we would run to His open arms and feel His warm embrace;
And forever remain under His covering;
And at the end live with Him forever, abiding in His love (Amen);

          What shall a man live for and for what would a man’s life count when He lives this world?
            So many times, our hearts are cumbered with so many cares, what to eat? Drink? Clothes to wear? Achievements? Name and fame? Marriage? Children and a lot of lists but fail to put the greatest which is God. Our hearts are not filled with thoughts like How can I please God? How much do I love God or do I love Him at all? Am I doing His will or do I know His will at all? Do I have a stand with God and so many more.
            Jesus Christ said “A man’s life does not consist of the abundance He possesses”. Many times, the thought of the things of this world leads us to do many things that we end up regretting but if our hearts are truly sold out to God, we will think about Him more. “Where your heart is, there your treasure would be also”… “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you”.
            Only if our heart would pant after God life David… “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God”.
            Why do you wander my soul
            Why do you worry about so many things
            Why do you ask so many questions
Why do you feel sad my soul
Why do you not cast your cares on Him
Why do you not leave all at His feet
Why do you allow so much disturb you and allow the devil take a dominant place
Why don’t you meditate on His promise and let wisdom lead you
Why do you think rather than pray about tomorrow
Do you doubt Him who has promised
Do you know whom you have believed
Do you trust the One you have committed your life to
Have you really surrendered your life to Him
Have you dropped yourself at His feet
Would you allow Him carry you
Would you allow Him take the driver’s seat
Would you allow Him take the wheels
Would you let Him pilot the plane of our life
O! My soul, be filled with these thoughts
Don’t be weighed down by so much you cannot handle
O! Let Him make you
Let Him build and watch over you
My soul, take your rest in Him

“If the Lord does not watch over the city, the watchman watcheth but in vain, if the lord does not build the city, they build in vain that build it”….Would you allow God build your life for you?....Allow Him take control of your life and you would find rest for your soul….JESUS CARES

            A father once told his young daughter that if they believed in Jesus Christ, they would never die. The young lady, being a child, believed it immediately. After a period of time, her mother died. In sorrow, she said to her dad “But you said if we believe in Jesus Christ, we would not die”…The man was careful not to give her a reply immediately because of the pain she was going through.
            On a sunny day, both of them went out with the car to get some stuff. On their way, the main saw a big truck passing by the other side of the road. When they passed the truck, the shadow provided a momentary covering from the heat of the sun, then an idea struck Him. This was the conversation between the man and his daughter
Dad: “Sweet heart”
Daughter: “Yes dad”
Dad: “Did you see that truck and its shadow?
Daughter: “Of course I did”
Dad: “Which of them would you prefer hit you?”
Daughter: (Amused) “The shadow of course. I would die if the truck hits me”
Dad: “Alright. Now let me answer your question. When Christ died on the cross, the truck of God’s wrath crushed Him, it’s only the shadow of death that we pass through”.

            The man gave a wonderful illustration, meditating on that example, we see that before a shadow is formed, there must be an obstacle in the pathway of a source of light. The truck served as the obstruction. When any man is hit by the truck, he has no hope of entering the lighted area but when he/she passes through the shadow, he must enter the place where there is light. When one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, He/She accepts His sacrifice for Him/her and Christ cleanses the person from sin. When the person dies (the shadow), he enters into the place of light (heaven) instead of the place of God’s wrath (hell).
            The Bible says “For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life”.
            It also says “There is no name given under heaven by which we can be saved except in the name of Jesus”
            Only those that leave this world without Christ die, but those that accept his gift “sleep in the Lord” because they would be with Him.
            I urge us to accept His gift of salvation if not for anything but for the destination of our soul. Jesus said “What shall it profit a man if He gains the whole world and loses his soul for what shall a man give in exchange for His soul”… God loves us so much that’s why He sent His son to die for our sins….Cast all your burdens on Him…He cares so much about YOU.
            O! how the master has loved us
            Descending so low to become a sinful flesh like ours
Left His glory because He had us in mind
Was born in a manger and had a carpenter as His earthly father
He had no form nor comeliness
He bore our grieves and was named “the man of sorrows”
He lives His whole life for others
A King became a servant, all because of us
When they were bruising Him, the thought of us was His strength
He endured everything because His love for us burned in His bones
On the way to Golgotha, the thought of us gladdened His heart
Forgetting the pains inflicted on Him by His own He cried for our forgiveness
He took the curse of the law and sin and became a curse for our sake
Christ gave His all for us…He gave everything for us…He gave His life for us..
He has loved us with an everlasting love
We have been bought already, not with gold or silver or precious stones but with blood and not just any blood but with the blood of Jesus (which is perfect)