The PIC microcontroller - Your Personal Introductory
Programming and Customizing the AVR microcontroller
BASCOM-Programming of Microcontrollers
Beginners Guide to AVR
AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
C Programming for microcontrollers
Exploring C for Microcontrollers
Pic microcontroller and embedded systems
Microcontroller programming
Programming 8-bit PIC microcontroller in C
Programming and customizing the PIC microcontroller
Quintessential PIC MicrocontrollerProgramming and Customizing the AVR microcontroller
BASCOM-Programming of Microcontrollers
Beginners Guide to AVR
AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
C Programming for microcontrollers
Exploring C for Microcontrollers
Pic microcontroller and embedded systems
Microcontroller programming
Programming 8-bit PIC microcontroller in C
Programming and customizing the PIC microcontroller
30 PICBasic Projects
Advanced PIC microcontroller projects
Embedded c tutorial
The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications by Kenneth J. Ayala
The 8051 Microcontroller, Architecture, Programming and Applications by Kenneth J. Ayala